25 Progressive Studies for New Tenor Horn Players
An unaccompanied study book, written for new tenor horn players. Offering 25 progressively difficult studies ranging from music for a beginner up to Grade 5 standard, the collection successfully supports, challenges and develops the technical and musical journey of the player, introducing important elements of musical notation and musical theory along the way.

Double The Adventure (download)
[Digital Download Version] Double The Adventure offers 25 original duets for treble clef brass instruments,
composed by David Pugh, and aimed at learners from Prep Test – Grade 3 standard of playing. The collection of pieces offers students the opportunity to perform with their instrumental tutor or together, and gain the valuable experience and benefits from playing as part of a team – a very different environment to solo playing.
This book of duets is also available in printed format.

Double The Adventure (printed)
[Print Version] Double The Adventure offers 25 original duets for treble clef brass instruments,
composed by David Pugh, and aimed at learners from Prep Test – Grade 3 standard of playing. The collection of pieces offers students the opportunity to perform with their instrumental tutor or together, and gain the valuable experience and benefits from playing as part of a team – a very different environment to solo playing.
This book of duets is produced as a single wire-bound book with cover (for tutor) PLUS two saddle-stitched booklets (1 for each performer). Also available in digital download format.

Flying Solo (download)
[Digital Download Version] Flying Solo offers 12 original studies for treble clef brass instruments, composed by David Pugh, and aimed at players at around Grade 4-6 standard. The selection of studies offers the opportunity to progressively establish relevant key signature awareness, whilst learning rhythmic and dynamic control. Collectively, the pieces offer comprehensive support in developing the individual skills of the solo player.
This solo book is also available in printed format.

Flying Solo (printed)
[Print Version] Flying Solo offers 12 original studies for treble clef brass instruments, composed by David Pugh, and aimed at players at around Grade 4-6 standard. The selection of studies offers the opportunity to progressively establish relevant key signature awareness, whilst learning rhythmic and dynamic control. Collectively, the pieces offer comprehensive support in developing the individual skills of the solo player.
Produced as a single wire-bound book with cover. Also available in digital download format.

Travelling Trios (download)
[Digital Download Version] Travelling Trios offers 16 original trios for treble clef brass instruments, composed by David Pugh and aimed at learners from Prep Test – Grade 3 standard of playing. The collection of pieces offers students the opportunity to learn and perform together, and gain the valuable experience and benefits from playing as part of an ensemble – a very different environment to solo playing.
This book of trios is also available in printed format.

Travelling Trios (printed)
[Print Version] Travelling Trios offers 16 original trios for treble clef brass instruments, composed by David Pugh and aimed at learners from Prep Test – Grade 3 standard of playing. The collection of pieces offers students the opportunity to learn and perform together, and gain the valuable experience and benefits from playing as part of an ensemble – a very different environment to solo playing.
This book of trios is produced as a single wire-bound book with cover (for tutor) PLUS three saddle-stitched booklets (1 for each performer). Also available in Digital Download format.